We just started our first major structural renovation -- the sunporch. (Inside is almost completely remodeled.) The second pic shows it in its original glory, slanted steps and all. You can also see the many trees that we have since yanked out -- too tropical, we like mediterranean and native plants. So...the little room that could is to be reborn, bigger and better than before. We'll have a proper dining room soon enough! As you can see in pic#1, the walls are gone and the workers are hard at it (posing for their picture). What? Didn't you hire Jerry Garcia to do your room remodel? At first he reminded me a little of Santa, but now I think it's definitely Jerry G. back from the last great trip in the sky. We love both these guys. They work hard, fast, and at a reasonable price. I hear them during the day from my home office out there sawing and talking and laughing. They're having far too much fun. All of this remodeling is sooooo exciting. Our house is going to be such a little jewelbox once it's finished.