Saturday, March 30, 2019

On Being podcast, Japanese cherry blossoms, talking to loved ones

Listening to the On Being podcast - the episode called "Becoming Wise" with Tools for the Art of Living. Guests include Desmond Tutu, astronomer Natalie Batalha, and spiritual teacher Eckart Tolle.

It's a peaceful caturday here. James is showing a property and I just made a simple breakfast. Drinking a cup of decaf with a dog and a cat sleeping nearby. Feeling thankful today. Had a chat with my mom, across the ether, letting her know I miss her and love her. I hope she heard me.

Last weekend's cherry blossom festival was a zoo. Better to go enjoy those blossoms after the actual event and avoid the annoying crowds. Adding to the mania, there was a super loud music show going on at the international houses. So as we tried to commune with nature, we were serenaded by the boom of bad music.  

Got these fun pictures as the bonus.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blog more #goal

Waves along the coastline of the Maldives
A newly acquired full time gig has me so busy with technospeak writing that I haven't been able to make time to blog. My intention from last year remains unfulfilled, so far. 
In other news, I changed my diet over the past 16 months and lowered my cholesterol by 65 points. I am as proud of myself as I can possibly be. For anyone who knows how hard this is, I know you're shaking your head yes and thinking I'm a rock star. The method is easy, unless you have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol - just don't eat animal products. I feel lighter without meat. I eat the rare piece of fish, usually salmon, and I cheat with a cheese plate at Le Bonne Table, but mostly it's nearly vegan for me. I just got a bottle of Just Egg and can't wait to try it - fake eggs made from mung beans! Update on Just Egg - this sadly does not do the trick. Doesn't work texture wise, or taste wise. Too bad.