Monday, March 12, 2012

Two Books on the Night Table

A little non-fiction about introverts, and an adventure in the style of Jane Austen (purchased while in San Francisco in one of my favorite places: the Ferry Building).

Quiet by Susan Cain was excellent and gave me a little window into myself. Being an introvert doesn't mean you don't like being around people, it just means that to restore yourself you need quiet.

Death Comes to Pemberly was a fun, quick read. Loved it.

What are you reading? Leave a comment and let me know! I'd love to hear...


  1. I'm reading Lark Rise to the British countryside tales. Let me know how Death Comes to Pemberley is...

  2. I am reading Every Day in Tuscany by Frances Mayes, it's her next book on from Under The Tuscan Sun which I absolutely loved. Please let me know how Death Comes To Pemberley goes.

    By the way,nice to meet you. Feel free to visit me over at



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