No, it’s not the title of a saucy novel, but the happiness of having a laundry room right off the kitchen. This picture is pre-window. I love the palm tree shadow on the wall.
Random neighborhood sunset, taken while I was on a walk. Glorious.
Making progress in the front bed. Here, a few new plantings. Lavender, rosemary, and farther left not in the picture: a Cleveland Sage (first seen, I might add, in Sherri’s backyard. The biggest, most beautiful sage I had ever seen.) To that I will also share that I had the curse of the couldn’t-grown-a-sage, until the curse lifted about 3 years ago. Now I can grow them like mad. I have high hopes for my new fledgling sage.
This is my trusty gardening companion, Gabriele. We have worked like dogs three Saturdays in a row. I took last Saturday off, but this weekend it’s back on! Slowly working our way around the perimeter of the side yard. I dug out all of these rocks you see here, which had created a burm, all ensconced in weeds. They have since been freed, and heaved to the “grotto” as we call it. Pictures of the grotto after this weekend’s work is done.
Husband helping me extract a ginormous root ball from an equally ginormous pot. This pot used to sit at the top of the stairs, sort of blocking the doors to the front courtyard. Gone! I hacked at it for two hours, and James then took pity on me and got it out in like 10 minutes with a pressure washer and some elbow grease. The man is talented.
A nice segue from my sweetie, I will end this little summary with a random heart that I happened upon on another walk. It jumped up at me and said notice me!
Sweet dreams, all…
Sweet! (Love those shoes!).