On Thursday, June 28th, just before noon my beloved Oreo left this Earth to rise, I like to think, to a higher plane, to a place where there is only love and peace and comfort and happiness. Of course no one knows what lies beyond, but I hope when I take this step that I will open my eyes to the soft, furry face of my dearest friend.
For the past 15 years, we shared an unconditional bond of love. He was always looking for me, and I for him; it was just what we wanted to do, it came naturally. And over my years of living without a “human,” I never felt alone because Oreo was there, his watchful golden eyes following me to and fro – my brown eyes following him – the perfect give and take. His presence was so large, so confident, so incredibly protective. We were best friends, lifelong companions, mother and son maybe. We were two souls joined in a quiet bond, though we spoke volumes to each other. Most nights he would spend some time laying on my chest, his gaze fixed on me, and we would talk, often it was just me thanking him for choosing me.
They say animals choose their owners, especially cats, and how true a statement. When I moved to
There are so many memories I could write about, so many tender memories. I may share some as the sharpness of his passing softens. But I wanted to post this to let anyone know who may want to know that Oreo has taken his step, and that he is at peace. He will be dearly missed by many, and mostly by me, a person who believes she will see him again. This photo was taken of us by my good friend Sherri.