Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nike Needs a Neckerchief

James' Grandpa Paul was quite the bronze smith, always casting something: bullets or bowls, and even statues! Among his works, a bronze bust of Nike!
I am always dressing her up with various neck ribbons or hats.

So, recently, I bought a collection of sewing items at an estate sale and wedged among the goodies was a shortish length of black lace. I'm forever buying these hodge-podge boxes or bags of stuff! I don't know why exactly, but when I come across these little sewing bundles that obviously belonged to whatever lady of the house that has passed on, I just feel like I have to have it - to preserve it, to continue using it. Maybe it's because when she was sewing, she was happy, and these items feel drenched in good energy. I can't imagine ever feeling the least bit mad when I sew. I kind of go into this dreamlike state, and I feel so peaceful and calm.

Also among the goodies, tucked beneath one thing or another was this nifty, German thread holder.

So I sewed a seam around the top, and made our goddess a neckerchief. It took all of like 5 minutes, but I think at the minimum she looks warmer. :o)


  1. What a unique and interesting talent to have in the family :) Very nice neckerchief too!

  2. She looks adorable Robin.

    I am very sorry to hear about your Mom. It is not an easy thing. No it isn't.

    Renee xoxo


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