Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hi, I’m Gwyneth and I like to…

…do lots of things. But here are a few:
Chew chair legs:IMG_4767
Watch any Youtube with kittens in it:IMG_4779
Drive Kate insane by taking a year to use the litter box:IMG_4772
Sneak onto the bed while Kate is sleeping, because she has to nap when Kate naps. Yes, people, there was some communal napping going on yesterday. All Hail to the Cat Goddesses! If you look closely above the pillow (click photo to enlarge it) you will see the tiny grey head that is Gwyneth. They were asleep until I got the camera to document this demonstration of household Peace.IMG_4773
And a few other things, which have yet to be documented on film:
- Bite on electrical cords.
- Eat the tails off toy mice.
- Bite the corners of pillows.
- Eat the milky remnants of my Mom’s oatmeal in the morning.
And the joy continues every day. Ha!


  1. I am loving her watching the other kitties on YouTube. Too cute!!

    And, the litter box one is hilarious.

  2. Ah, the life of a cat!

  3. OK, now just stop eet! Gwyneth in front of the computer is more than I can bear! Too effin' cute for words! In fact, that's Cute Overload material right there!

  4. You made me laugh! Before I read this I didn't even know I wanted a kitten, so thanks for that!
    She is so darn cute!
    PS sorry about all the !

  5. Awwwww!
    What a cutey pie!
    I found you on Freckled Hen and I thought I would come snoop,very glad I did!
    I love animals very much,I worked for a No-Kill Shelter for 8 years before I moved.
    We now have 4 rescue "kids",2 Dogs and 2 Cats.
    Every day they make me laugh, trip me in the kitchen and drive me a little more crazy and I wouldnt trade any of it for anything:)
    Have a great day,Robin!
    (apparently Freckled Hen's !!!! is catching;)

  6. Welcome to the world Gwyneth, love your are just too cute. My name is Nala, a rescue from a vet's office, I live with two other rescues, (dogs, one big, one small) both kind to me. I'm spoiled and overweight, six years old and live inside the house (sometimes I'm allowed out on the back porch). I'll check back to see what you're up to, be a good kitty.

  7. nice...

    please follow my blog ..i have follow this blog..thanks

  8. Gwyneth is too stinkin' cute! Poor sweet Kate - she needs some extra snuggles!

  9. I'm not really a cat person, but cats watching cats on YouTube are my thing.


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